Friday 4 October 2013

Life sans cash

Well, there it is, I'm officially skint.

I got my last grant installment at the beginning of July, to last me until the end of September. Now my monthly bills have come out I can see where I am.

It could be better.

I've just transferred enough money from my savings to bring my big-expenses-account up to zero, and am now a kept woman. With what the hubbie can give me, I have £6.34 a week spending money. Humph.

I've often prided myself on being frugal, but in this consumerist culture I really do find it truly difficult to keep my card in my wallet sometimes. The whole retail experience is geared towards BUY IT NOW, OR YOU'LL MISS OUT!! And I'm just not very good at missing out. For this reason both my cards are now in my desk drawer to dissuade me from using them.

So, I'm about to embark on a journey whereby I cannot spend any money unless I have directly earned it. Never in my life have I been in this situation, having always been very careful with my money. But for the first time ever, I have no money, and none to come until I've finished my thesis.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very lucky that this is my first time sans everything, but I am interested to see how I will cope...