Friday 16 January 2015

Garlic in honey - recipe

I felt now was the time to try a mini project from the Tsukemono book Jon bought for my birthday last year. I've long felt that garlic is somewhat wondrous in its health-giving properties, and as the recipe is so simple I thought I'd give it a go.

Here is what you do:

1. Peel and remove bases from 300g fresh garlic
2. Sterilise a jar (I did this by popping it in the oven for 30 mins)
3. Put garlic in jar
4. Cover garlic with about 200g runny honey

It's ready in about a month.

The only problem I had was that the recipe said that if the garlic popped up above the honey to add a bit more honey. Unfortunately my garlic very much floated in the honey, and won't stay under. So, I am currently poking it down every day with spoon.

Thus far I have been unsuccessful in getting the garlic to stay put. I guess as the water is pulled out of the garlic by osmosis, and the cell walls break down a bit they'll sink...? If you've tried this and have any tips please get in touch below! (do I just have rubbish garlic here?)

As I am incapable of doing anything with a teaspoon without licking it afterwards (apart from maybe cleaning the drain, ha ha), I sampled the garlicky honey after 24 hours, and was pleasantly surprised by the taste. I was reminded of Joey from Friends when eating Rachel's shepherd's pie trifle: Garlic? Good! Honey? Good!

Didn't think I'd be so positive about eating garlicky honey, but I really don't think I'll have any trouble taking a spoonful when I'm feeling run down in the future. Who knew?

Now, I know lots of bloggers put a call to action as the last sentence on blog posts, but I am genuinely interested if anyone has tried this? I have a Czech friend who mentioned her grandmother would rub garlic on bread to ward off a cold, so there must be a wealth of folklore on garlic out there, and I WANT TO KNOW IT!!

Surprisingly buoyant garlic!

Ok, now I'm done shouting, have a good weekend, y'all!
Bee x

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