Wednesday 21 January 2015

Very quick book review - How I lived a year on just a pound a day

The other day whilst in the library I walked past a display of books about frugality, and on impulse I grabbed this copy of "How I lived a Year on Just a Pound a Day" by Kath Kelly - without even especially slowing my pace.

I don't normally do book reviews, and don't intend to 'review' it exactly, but as I was so skeptical upon picking it up, so hooked when I was reading it, and so inspired when I finished it, I wanted to share it.

In answer to the questions you're probably habouring: yes, she really did do it, and no, rent wasn't included in the pound a day. Food, transport and entertainment, however, was.

The thing I really liked about this book was that the project wasn't undertaken to prove some sort of point - she did it to save money to buy her brother a kickass wedding gift. The other thing I liked was the unexpected benefits she found from essentially giving up money. I imagine the less you engage with consumerism, the less you need it, and the more you value things like friends, community and time. Ah, it sounds blissful.

Having now paid my credit card bill off (I got the statement today - money owed: £0!!) I am living rather frugally myself, so knowing that a) it can be done and b) it can be rather enjoyable, is actually very reassuring.

Go forth to your libraries and get a copy out! (and if they don't have it, request they buy one - they do have that option :-P)

Peace out,
Bee x

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