Thursday 8 November 2012

Free stuff, w00p!

I read in a Lawrence D. Hills book that "there is no honour amongst gardeners" and I'm inclined to agree. Over the past year or two I have become used to finding random vegetables amongst my plants, where people have clearly flung their unwanted stuff. Quite what is wrong with their compost heaps I don't know, but the bizarre thing is that most of the time it seems fine to me. Free veg, great!

Today I went to our Reading allotment where I am continuing to strip it down as we now have *the new allotment*. As it's autumn time it's time to take the beans down - and on arrival at the beans I discovered a whole pile of someone else's bean plants (which just seems plain cheeky).

The thing was, amongst the 'waste' there were absolutely loads of beans. It was here that I decided once and for all that people in this country are mad. We just have too much cheap food - otherwise why would you throw away perfectly good protein in the form of beans?

Personally I will be storing them to grow next year. There's all sorts of runner bean varieties and a few borlottis for good measure.  But there may just be too many to grow, in which case, that's some free food.

Thank you wasteful person!

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