Tuesday 27 January 2015

How would you deal with periods if you were homeless?

Today I read an excellent article that has stuck with me. It may make some people uncomfortable, but then, good journalism should.

It was about how homeless women deal with their monthly periods: something I am ashamed to say I had not even contemplated. What exactly do you do when your period hits and you have neither sanitary products nor a private bathroom nor painkillers to help you cope?

Apparently you hit McDonald's and stuff your knickers with loo roll.

It raises a number of other issues too, including that while condoms are often distributed gratis to the homeless via sexual health clinics, sanitary products are not - despite being classed as "sexual health" items.

Image via Jay Black

It also reminded me that while bingo, Jaffa Cakes, houseboat moorings, incontinence products and men's razors are tax free, sanitary towels and tampons are taxed at 5%. Seriously George Osborne, wtf? Are you telling me facial hair is less inevitable than the monthly shedding of my uterine lining?

It made me wonder what I could do, and to be honest I think the main answer is to get up the courage to actually talk to homeless women. I normally just wuss out then feel terrible for days afterwards.

But if you want something else proactive, try one of these:
  • go check out FareShare who redistribute food and other items - including cosmetics and sanitary towels - from shops to those who need them.
  • Sign this petition from Change.org to make sanitary items tax-free. Y'know, like razors already are.
  • Or, even better, write to your MP requesting the same thing. If you don't know who your MP is, find out at theyworkforyou.com  
  • And of course, have more courage than me to go talk to a homeless woman and see how she's doing.

Original article is from Vice.com, entitled: For Homeless Women, Having a Period Isn't a Hassle - It's a Nightmare.

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