Sunday 8 February 2015

Celebratory Jumble Sale - more adventures in not spending money (and failing)...

Following the Best. Evening. Ever. on viva day (which included hot chocolate, Ethiopian food and a magnum of Prosecco), I decided to ramp it up a notch by arranging to go to a local Scouts-run jumble sale on Saturday morning.

I love me a good community event, and I have many fond memories of jumble sales as a child (where my pocket money could actually buy me things), so considering my current financial situation it seemed like a good place to go to maybe buy myself a celebratory item or two.

As we arrived a bit late all the good clothes/scarves had gone, but I discovered the nicest item I've seen in a long time - a set of Japanese bowls, plates, chopstick rests etc. I've been keeping my eyes open for small plates/bowls for this exact purpose as I use them a lot, but this struck the jackpot: £2 for the WHOLE SET. What better way to celebrate some freedom than a new (beautiful) toy to use whilst doing my favourite activity - eating?! Brilliant.

Oriental tableware set

I also scored two - wait for it - jigsaws (!) for 50p each, which have already provided many hours of entertainment. We are SO rocking. So far, so good - then we doubled our expenditure by spending £3 on a cake. Lol. It was delicious, however.

Flushed from my retail success at the jumble sale I then went and spontaneously spent £4 on some knee-high boots in the first charity shop we found, which I then tried on (idiot) only to discover that they didn't fit and Helen and Douglas House don't do refunds (double idiot).

So instead of money I can spend on actual things, I now have a credit note in my wallet. I'm torn between feeling like a complete fool, and anger at my lack of consumer rights. When will I learn that spending money is like an addiction and I just need to not do it sometimes? Gah.

Ho well, I am enjoying my new crockery, even if I am now, once again, entirely strapped for cash.

Bee x

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