Tuesday 3 February 2015

T minus 1 day to the viva...

So it's my PhD viva tomorrow and I am a wee bit anxious.

Four years of my life assessed in 2-3 hours.

I have spent the past weeks revising everything from horizontal gene transfer to the common agricultural policy. From the effect of pH on nutrient availability in soil to genetic evolutionary theory. Oddly the most helpful article I've read is on economics and was published in 1968*. (N.B. My PhD has nothing to do with economics.)

I've found the process of revising has swung me constantly between confidence ('yeah, I KNOW this stuff! W00p!') and terror ('I don't know ANYTHING! What was I thinking?! Aaarggh!'). Once again I am struck by the truth that the more you know, the more you realize just how much you don't know.

Oh to be young again and think I know it all. I am resigned to feeling helpless in the face of uncertainty. If you think science has all the answers you are so wrong - it's all just questions, some based on better evidence than others. Pffft.

I am however heartened that at the end of it, one way or another, I will be going to Global Cafe in Reading for hot chocolate and CAKE. If I've done well I'll be staying for injeera and wot at Tutu's Ethiopian Table for dinner. Jon's offered to take me somewhere fancier to celebrate, but I can't think of anywhere I'd rather eat. If I can eat, that is.

Wish me luck!

Bee x

* It's about an idea called 'The Tragedy of the Commons' where an individual has it in their interests to exploit a common resource - but to the detriment of the greater population. It applies to everything. You can access a copy here if you are so inclined.

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