Monday 19 December 2011

The salad project!

This coming season (2012) Jon and I will not be getting married (as we did this year), so with all the extra time we're planning on growing as much of our veg as we can. Central to this is the provision of sufficient salad to keep us in tucker during the summer. Over the 2011 summer we bought about 2 bags of salad a week, plus associated cucumbers and other salady bits...

Although about as eco-friendly as we could make it, being bought from Reading True Food Co-op and sourced locally (and organically - and chlorine free), the cost added up. I dread to think how much we spent on lettuce. So this year I'm determined to grow sufficient salad to keep us fed, for less money than we were previously spending.

A slight problem with this is that we are in rented accommodation, and I'm reticent to tamper with our garden. I've carved out a small bed in one corner, but I suspect most of our salad will have to come from containers. I should say that we also have an allotment, but this is being given over to main crops (potatoes, beans, onions etc. more later) but I'm NOT trekking all the way up there for salad each day!

SO! My first step is to try and calculate how many plants we're going to need...I've read up on a number of related websites, and I've seen recommendations from 4 lettuces for a family of 4, to 48 per person.


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