Friday 23 December 2011

Christmas chez Roberts

I love Christmas. But I hate consumerism. Call me a hippy, or a leftie or whatever you want. But it's not because I hate having nice things, I just hate the attitude that would say if we don't have a star on top of the tree, Christmas is RUINED!! I also feel Christmas has become waaay to sophisticated, which I think takes some of the fun out of it. I'm all for paper chains and tacky coloured lights myself.

So this year our decorations took on a unique look, and I thought I'd share...

 Our little tree - cost us £13 from a local garden centre, and we hope it will last us for a goodly few years yet (and get a bit bigger each year!)

 Jon soaking willow in the bath to re-supple it for wreaths.

Greenery from here and there for wreaths and prettifying the flat

 Our 'fire' place (no fire allowed, sadly) all dolled up. Complete with knitted banana in fruit bowl.

Our tree with bells and lights on. Total spend on tree decorations: £1. Ah, so pretty :o)

A very happy Christmas, and a wonderful new year to all!

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