Monday 2 January 2012

New Year's Resolutions

I think these have got a bad rap in these past few years, but I always make a few, and these are they:

1. Keep a closer track on our finances (I have a spreadsheet...)
2. Grow all our own salad, and as much fruit and other veg as possible
3. Get networking, and carve myself out a career

I'd like to think these are all pretty positive, and I've certainly made progress on all of them in advance. The last is why I'm making an organised effort to post regularly on here, in the hopes it will form into a website on which I can put information on various agricultural and eco-related topics I can tell people about! I'm off to the Organic Producer's Conference in two weeks' time and I need to get myself in a promotional mood (and out of the 'why would anyone care about my research' funk it's so easy to slide into as a PhD student).

Time to polish up on my trumpet-blowing skills!

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