Sunday 1 January 2012

A tight budget for the new year!

I've always been enthusiastic about gardening. When I was young my granny would let me 'help' in the garden, and my little fingers were gradually greened - though I suspect I wasn't especially helpful. Sadly, I've been rather transitory for the past ten years and my ability to grow things has suffered (though I have not been unknown to garden in the bathtub when I had no outdoor facilities!).

There are a number of things that make me want to grow my own veg:

1. I know how my vegetables have been grown.
2. Their carbon footprint is miniscule: back garden --> kitchen is about as good as it gets.
3. Home made veggies taste better. Fact.
4. Home grown veg works out cheaper when you get into the swing of it, and I'm less likely to throw it away as I know about all the hard work that went into it!
5. Gardening is good for my soul.

This year, number 4 is coming to the forefront. I did our yearly finances the other day and realised we've been spending on average about £45 a week on food (good food is important to us) and considering our teeny (student/charity sector) income this needs to come down - I think I budgeted £30 a week. I also brought the petrol budget down to £10 a week, so it's bikes ahoy for the foreseeable future, and I'm hoping this will get us both fitter too (if we don't expire from exhaustion!).

The last is also pretty important, and I'm hoping that the fresh air will do me good too. Healthy (and abundant) veg + outdoor exercise + killing myself cycling + greening my soul = happy Bee


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