Saturday 10 March 2012

The most exciting Saturday this year

Today has marked a new level of excitement in the growing year thus far.

Aside from the fact that our garden is now host to mating pairs of robins, dunnocks and goldfinches (as well as our regular great and blue tits, and black birds)...

And that we have a whole host of seedlings growing...

And that we now have 2 bee hives (more on this later)...

Today I discovered that the wild cherry stones from 2010 which I chucked in a pot of soil with the vague hope of them growing in ~September 2011, have sprouted!

Ok, to your ordinary person this may not be too exciting, but I am amazed. Every time I've eaten a cherry and thrown the pip away I've never been convinced it could possibly be alive - they always look so inert.

Unfortunately I now have a pot with approximately 100 seeds all sprouting at once, and I have no idea what to do with them! I've potted some up in soil, with the vague idea of keeping a couple, and planting the rest in the wild - but I think I may just have to chuck them in a bush somewhere for the mice... there's just SO many!

So anyway, that was the highlight of my weekend. I have also now planted up batch #1 of salad plugs, tomatoes and peppers #2, basil, tagetes, mibuna greens #1, landcress #1, and alyssum. Calendula and lobelia are coming on nicely too. Onions are in the cold frame, but looking a bit sad following my nuking them with the central heating during the typation of my transfer report - they will have to go out next weekend and sink or swim!

I love this time of year SO much - there's just no beating the hope and excitement that comes with all the growth of the natural (and planted) world.

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