Thursday 29 March 2012

Olive oil #2

Ok, so the olive oil washing method didn't work for me. I tried it for two weeks, but since having horrendous acne as a teenager, it turns out my skin is quite on the dry side now - and this method dried my skin out horribly. I don't know if I was using the wrong oil (100% olive oil) but I couldn't bear my skin feeling that tight and itchy afterwards. Despite washing with oil, it felt I needed to put more on afterwards!

So now I'm back to what I did use for a spell as a teenager - soap, then vinegar, then water-based moisturiser. Yup.

The vinegar works wonders (I use it on my hair too), acting as a toner, and making my skin a bit more acidic after the alkaline soap - possibly an important benefit as Reading water is SO hard. I'm still using my Body Shop moisturiser in the daytime though as a) I still have some left and b) it has SPF 15, which probably does my skin more good than anything else I do to it! I will consider making my own when I run out as my foundation (also Body Shop) is also SPF 15!

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