Thursday 15 March 2012

Urban wildlife

One of the great joys of working from home is that I get to see the garden during the daytime. If I need a break I just wander into the bedroom or sitting room and gaze out of the window. If I'm lucky the birds will also be taking a snack break at the bird feeder.

But today I got a very special treat...

Can you see it?

How about now?

Isn't it bee-yootiful?

I will confess I have a very mixed opinion of foxes, probably due to their harassment of my pet (semi-feral) rabbit when I was small - and the knowledge that they'll be a menace when we get chickens. But I think they have every right to be here - their presence is certainly more natural than my imprisonment of a wild animal for my own amusement, or the production of food...

What I enjoyed the most was how it also seemed to be enjoying the birds, bees and sunshine. Perhaps we're more similar that us humans are ready to admit!

Some other attempted shots with my Canon Powershot A495 (i.e. cheap and cheerful) camera... (I hope one day to afford a proper SLR, but that ain't happening until I can justify the expense!)

 One of our goldfinches

One of our dunnocks

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