Thursday 6 February 2014

Wheezy chooks - update

A couple of people have been asking about how the chickens are doing since I (ahem) de-moulded their roost box, and I am happy to say that they're looking much better!

I've been working on the assumption that had they been born free they would most likely have learned to nest in a tree (with unlimited ventilation) so have been leaving their pop-hole and little window open (though the door to the run is closed). This helped, but didn't cure it completely.

So I rang up the BHWT helpline and asked their advice. The lovely lady I spoke to suggested I put a bit of cider vinegar in their water – an old folk remedy – and do you know what? It only flipping sorted everything out. 

So yes, now we have some happy, healthy hens!

The downside is that now they're feeling better they're on a mission to get into the house :)

Bee x

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