Monday 14 July 2014

Letter to myself

Dear Bee,

Why are you doing this Whole 30 diet? Why make things so difficult for yourself? Why cut out so many foods that you enjoy, at a time when it’s possible you’ll be craving them the most? Why be hungry? Why be awkward when you go to people’s houses for dinner?

I think it’s important that these things are down in black and white, as there will be times (perhaps very soon) when the motive behind this is eclipsed by short-term desires and cravings.

Once you were slim, and full of energy. Your skin was bad and confidence low, but you could eat whatever you liked and not put on weight. People called you ‘skinny’ and possibly not in a complimentary way. The backs of your arms weren’t chubby because you were constantly on the move, and didn’t crave sugar all the time.

To be fair I think it all started in that final year of uni, living with Anna. That’s when you learned to eat an entire bar of Dairy Milk, or half a cake in a single sitting. I guess 21 isn’t the age you want to be learning bad habits.

But you held it all together until after uni, and the chain of events precipitated by dad’s leaving led to your slow but steady weight gain. During the NVQ everything was fine as you were outdoors all the time, but come teacher training and Dave, it all went a bit wrong. The weight crept on, the health problems that had been building bore fruit. You were overweight, tired, anaemic, depressed.

The body you have now is testament to a bad time in your life, the lowest time, and it’s time to shift it, and move on.

This diet is not primarily about weight loss, or even looking good, although you know deep down you want to be that slim girl again.

It’s about feeling good.

Having energy.

Beating the sugar cravings that lead to your PCOS.

Making the best chance of beating cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s in the future.

Having clear skin.

Keeping your figure after having kids.

Being able to have kids.

Getting rid of cellulite.

Being the fit, healthy person you’ve never had the confidence to believe you can be.

Because life starts NOW – not when the PhD is done, not when you get your first paycheck doing a new job. You can be successful doing something you love, and you can be that person who gets up at 6 am, goes for a run, then gets down to work running her own business. It can all begin now.

Right now, your weight is stuck at 11 st 7 lb. That is a whole lot less than at Christmas. But you can shift that stone to get back to 10 ½ st – where you were when life still made sense. A weight your body stuck at for ages. A size you were happy with. When you had energy and far fewer body issues.

Why wait? In a month you could be a new person. Just give it the 30 days, then you can make up your mind where to go next.

Stick at it. You can do it.

Bee x x

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