Friday 18 July 2014

#whole30 #day5

Breakfast: rice, kimchi, smoked mackerel. As per usual. Forgot to take a picture as I was being questioned by a Chinese person on my voluntary use of chopsticks, and weirdly Asian breakfast choices. My Englishness swelled, and I was deeply embarrassed by my unusual behaviour. Somehow 'because I like it' didn't seem sufficient :-P

Lunch: bento box with the usual suspects - rice, radishes, beansprouts, cucumber, chicken, kimchi, olive oil

Dinner: POACHED EGGS! (exciting, no?), the last of the meat off the chicken carcass, broccoli, cuzcumber, courgette, sweet potato.

Interestingly, today I have not eaten peppers, and I have not swelled up like a balloon. Before I started this I suspected nightshades were an intolerance I had, so from here on in no aubergines, tomatoes, or peppers.

*sad face* that's 3 of my favourite veggies :-(

I'm off to visit the littlest moo tomorrow, and have hung onto the carcass of the chicken to make stock. Little does he know that's what we'll be doing...

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